A Kindness Revolution

I (along with 14 other classmates) took a Mental Health First Aid course on April 22 & 29th. I learned from the course that kindness goes a long way. You notice that someone is in distress. You stop and ask how they are. You listen non-judgementally. You assess if the other person is a risk for suicide or for harming others. You give reassurance. You advise about seeking appropriate professional help. You provide support. Mental health first aid suggests an approach (modified slightly) that all of us can use in our daily lives. We can be a little more caring towards each other. Stop and ask how someone is. Listen non-judgementally. Provide support. We can be a little more caring toward ourselves. We have to find some “me” time once in awhile to re-charge. My classmates suggested some things that they do like play with their kids, play a musical instrument, play with a pet, so...