spin cycle

I received an e-mail from a friend today.

He told me that a friend of his recently lost his brother and nephew and that he and his friend haven’t talked in two weeks.

It sounded like his friend is grieving at the moment.  

I’ve been in a “spin cycle” for the past couple of days.

I’ve been thinking about my aunt who died recently.

I attended her funeral yesterday.

One of the hardest parts was the reception.

I met relatives who I haven’t seen in a couple of years.

It felt hard to “catch up” under the circumstances.

The best we could muster is “are you working” or “how is work”?

Lately at work, the office has been very, very cold as if the air conditioning is on full blast.

I put on a sweater and a coat, and I’m still cold.

It’s stressful to work in a cold office.

A couple of things I’ve realized about myself.

It’s important to acknowledge and process what I’m feeling (which I have).

I also want to feel like my old self again and do what I normally do.

I like to blog and so today’s post feels therapeutic.

Writing e-mails is a normal (and comforting) activity for me and responding to my friend’s e-mail was therapeutic.

If someone is in a spin cycle, they need time to acknowledge and process the event.

On the other hand, you want to feel like your normal self again.

Do the things that you would normally do.

Take it one day at a time.

Do the best you can.

I thank my friend who happened to e-mail me today.

His e-mail gave me permission to open up and write today’s post. 
Sometimes we just need to reach out to each other.    

And talk about what we’re feeling.   

Also Published on LinkedIn:  June 4, 2017
Image Credit: Pixabay


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