The Best is Yet to Come

I had a coffee with an old friend last Friday.

We met for 4-1/2 hours.  

We went to the same high school.

We didn’t run in the same social circle.

We knew each other just to say “hello.”

After high school, we drifted apart.

We re-connected in January 2017 after 40 years.

We go to regular coffees now.

At this last coffee, my friend was telling me about all the people he hung around with after school.

I didn’t hang around with people after school.

I was the studious type.   

At the time I was motivated with getting high marks rather than getting social.  
Times changed.  

I went into Human Resources.   

I was good at HR.  

My mindset was that whoever I was talking to, they were the most important person in the world at that moment. 

I am still of this mindset.  

In 2013, I lost my job in HR.

That was a pivotal point.

Connecting with people became highly important to me.

I connect with people in different ways: in-person, through my LinkedIn posts, LinkedIn messaging,   e-mail, Skype, telephone.  

It has been an eye-opening experience to connect with my high school friend after 40 years.  

He helped me realize what I was like in high school.

He told me that we were in the same calculus class and that I tried to help him.

I see “helping people” as one of my purposes in life.

I read a terrific article recently by Paolo Gallo called “3Questions To Help You Live A Purposeful Life.“

I see a lot of myself in this article.

My high school friend reminded me that I wasn’t the most sociable person in the world.

I am an introvert and a positive person who cares about the people I surround myself with.

It’s good to connect who I used to be in high school with who I am now.

I’ve a come a long way since high school.

I like the person who I’ve turned out to be.

But I’m an unfolding story.

I smile and think:   

The Best is Yet to Come!

Also Published on LinkedIn on:  June 18, 2017
Image Credit: Pixabay



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