Hello, My Name Is... (Part 2)

I had to make cold calls at work recently.

I got stressed.

You might think that I was stressed thinking about having to make cold calls.

But this wasn’t the case at all.

I found it easy to make the calls.

“Hello, my name is Jamie Soo. I am calling from the Ontario Society of Senior Citizens Organizations.   We are offering a free 2-day workshop on how to start up a business. The workshop is for individuals 50+ who are looking for a job...We have a poster on this event that perhaps you might like to post at your organization…?”

My message didn’t resonate with everyone. But sometimes it resonated with someone.

I got stressed because I had an expectation that I would be able to attract lots of people to the workshop.

A colleague (wisely) commented that what I was doing (cold calling) was valuable. I may not see immediate results, but I was planting a seed for the future.

I’ve always had a sense of urgency about me (like getting work done before it’s actually due), but in this case, I needed to chill out and let the chips fall where they may. I’ll continue with the calls. I may not get immediate results but I’ll see where they may lead. I will take the opportunity to cultivate relationships by sending posters to organizations that are willing to accept them.

I think it’s helpful that I reframe the situation and to think about how far I’ve come (hey, I made initial contact with organizations) rather than how far I have yet to go (where are all the workshop participants?).

Cold calling is like striking up a face-to-face conversation with strangers.

For job seekers I think it’s essential to expand your network and to talk to people you don’t know say in a grocery store line-up or at a networking event. 

The conversation may not lead to anywhere, but the positives are that you brushed up on your conversational skills and you possibly made someone's day. The more times you strike up a conversation with people you don’t know, the easier it becomes. A job lead could come from an acquaintance who you just recently met. 

I am an introvert.

At first I didn’t feel confident to strike up a conversation with strangers. I can do it now. I can talk to someone I don’t know.  

I’ve proven to myself that I can make cold calls, especially if I’m making the call on behalf of someone else like job seekers in my case. I like helping others.

A cold call or striking up a conversation both begin with a “Hello, my name is…”

A conversation follows.

And as my friend said you are planting a seed.

You never know where either may lead.

Also Published on LinkedIn on March 24, 2017 
Image Credit: Pixabay



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