
Showing posts from July, 2017

What Inspires Me About The Terry Fox Run

We all have hidden talents and given the right circumstances these hidden talents can come out and shine. The Terry Fox Run brings out the fundraiser in me. I ask everybody I know.   I ask people I haven’t met. One time in the 1990’s I took a bold and dare I say saucy(!) approach with a co-worker.  Instead of asking “Will you sponsor me for the Terry Fox Run?” I asked “How much are you sponsoring me for this year” thereby hoping that it would be harder for him to turn me down. Pretty sure he sponsored me that year. This year (2017) marks the 22 nd time that I will be fundraising (and walking) in The Terry Fox Run. I find Terry Fox extremely inspirational and heroic. He embodied hope, positivity and determination. I am proud to participate in this annual fundraising initiative that bears his name and legacy. You can read about Terry Fox here . The Terry Fox Run gives me a sense of purpose. I like helping people. ...

ubiquitous networker

I am a ubiquitous networker.   I look at LinkedIn as soon as I get up in the morning. Yesterday morning at 6:30 a.m. a friend of mine (“John”) sent me a LinkedIn message. He said that there’s a tech job fair at the MaRS Discovery District and that it starts at 12 noon.  I thought to myself that I didn’t have anything planned, and so I said “yes” to the job fair. My friend was being very prescient when he said that I could write a post about my job fair experience. And that the theme could be on how I stepped out of my comfort zone. When I arrived at the job fair, I surveyed the companies that were there. I headed straight to a particular booth, because another friend (“Tom”) recently applied for a job at that company. I followed-up on Tom’s behalf. I went up to four other booths and introduced myself. “Hi, my name is Jamie.  I’m an HR professional.  I’m looking to work at a company as a culture specialist.  It...

Yoga Story

When I was at university, I checked out the array of activities that I could participate in like ballroom dancing, squash, yoga and fencing. I never did the fencing, but while at university I took ballroom dancing lessons.  I have since hung up my dancing shoes, but I do enjoy watching “Dancing with the Stars.” Years after I left university, I kept up my Hart House membership and I took squash lessons.  Squash is fun and I played squash a couple of times.   I recently read a terrific article by Kendra Wright called “ 4 Things I Learned by Stepping Out of My Comfort Zone 850 Times in a Row .”  This is an inspirational article.  Ms. Wright did something cool by doing 850 things that made her step out of her comfort zone.  At the end of Ms. Wright’s article, check out the list that she compiled of 100 things that you could do to step out of your comfort zone.  After looking over the list, I immediately thought to myself that I nee...

Job Search Chronicles - Part 5

Yesterday I read an inspiring article by Kendra Wright called “ 4 Things I Learned by Stepping Out of My Comfort Zone 850 Times in aRow. ”  Ms. Wright’s article inspired me to write this post. “Stepping out of your comfort zone” is different for everyone. For example, you may consider speaking up at a meeting at work as stepping out of your comfort zone and overcoming a fear. For me I recently stepped out of my comfort zone by overcoming personal inertia.    I was debating whether to volunteer in a Conversation Circle program where I would help newcomers to practise their English.  The benefits?  It would get me out of the house and meet new people.  I get to do something that I enjoy which is helping people.   The place where I would volunteer is within walking distance -- just 10-15 minutes to get there.  No real downside except I just needed to overcome my internal inertia.  Two weeks ago, I made a move and s...

Job Search Chronicles (Part 4)

Last Friday I had a coffee with my high school friend who has since retired. We inevitably came around to the topic of my job search.  My friend had one employer for his entire career. He reminded me that when he was looking for a job, he knocked on the doors of a few companies and asked to fill out an employment application form.    He found his one and only employer by going directly to the company and submitting an application form. I wonder if there are many companies left where you can go and ask to fill out an application form?       When I was working at Combined Insurance in Human Resources (2005 – 2013), application forms were available with the receptionist.   Candidates could come in, fill one out and talk to the receptionist.  Does the Ontario Human Rights Code still reference application forms?  Yes, they are referenced in Section 23(2) of the Code. When I was recently at ...

Job Search Chronicles - Part 3

Last Monday I attempted to re-connect (via e-mail) with 75 members of my LinkedIn network.  First to let them know that I was looking for a job and second to let them know what kind of job I was looking for.  I attached my Talents profile (from as an added incentive to look at my e-mail.     One of my friends e-mailed back to sympathize that I have to go through a job search again and that it must be frustrating to have to repeat the process.   I was challenged (in a good way) by this response. Yes, I definitely have my up’s and down’s during this job search, but I don’t want to be known as a frustrated job searcher. Instead I would like to be known as an optimistic job searcher. As as result of my campaign to re-connect with members of my LinkedIn network, I received over 25 responses. Friends gave me a “thumbs-up” or “thanks for sharing” or “I’ll keep my eyes open for you.”  I appreciate everyone’s resp...

Job Search Chronicles - Part 2

Last Friday I completed’s free online Talent Assessment.  You receive feedback immediately about your Top 3 Talents.  I learned that I had a talent that I wasn’t aware that I had!  You can access the Plum Talent Assessment here. The following day I met up with a friend for a coffee at the mall. I showed my Talents profile to my friend. My friend was very encouraging.  He suggested that I could attach my Talents profile to my application when I apply for a job. When you complete the Talent Assessment, suggests that you could share your profile on social media. I combined my friend’s and’s ideas and came up with something that I haven’t done before. I decided to send the following message and attach my Talents profile to select members of my LinkedIn network. “I share my Talents Profile with you (via and let you know that I'm looking for a part-time role in HR or job search mentoring in Toronto!” This...

Job Search Chronicles (Part 1)

Yesterday I came across an excellent job search article by John Feldmann called “ How to Avoid the Job Search Rut .” I fall into an emotional (but temporary) rut now and then, but I know that tomorrow will be another day and I will feel better the following day. Anytime we experience a challenge in life (like a job search), we need to be mindful about self-care and caring about our health.  You know the drill – get enough sleep, eat right, get adequate exercise, etc.  As well as doing these basic things, it’s engaging in activities that help us feel centred like spending time with friends and family, meditating, yoga, engaging in hobbies  – whatever feels right for you.    I remind myself that “Rome wasn’t built in a day.”  Sometimes I expect immediate results when immediate results are not to be had. I am reminded by what a former colleague told me about “planting a seed.”  This has so many applications in our daily lives....

How I Celebrated Canada Day 150

A little spontaneity is good for the soul. Two days ago it was Canada Day 150 (July 1, 2017). I was listening to the radio at around 8:30 a.m. I was reminded that the annual Canada Day Parade would start at 10:00 a.m. and would wind its way around East York and disband near Stan Wadlow Park at 12 noon. This parade has been taking place for 57 years. And I’ve never attended this parade. This year was a special year however – Canada Day 150. What better way to mark the occasion than to attend this parade. And so I up and went. I left at 9:50 a.m. and walked over to near where the parade started. I arrived at 10:15 a.m. During the parade I received a miniature Canadian flag from one of the young marchers.  The parade ended from where I was standing at 10:35 a.m.  I missed half the parade. I walked over to Stan Wadlow Park to check out the Canada Day festivities. It was only 11:00 a.m. and someone confirmed tha...