How I Celebrated Canada Day 150

A little spontaneity is good for the soul.

Two days ago it was Canada Day 150 (July 1, 2017).

I was listening to the radio at around 8:30 a.m.

I was reminded that the annual Canada Day Parade would start at 10:00 a.m. and would wind its way around East York and disband near Stan Wadlow Park at 12 noon.

This parade has been taking place for 57 years.

And I’ve never attended this parade.

This year was a special year however – Canada Day 150.

What better way to mark the occasion than to attend this parade.

And so I up and went.

I left at 9:50 a.m. and walked over to near where the parade started.

I arrived at 10:15 a.m.

During the parade I received a miniature Canadian flag from one of the young marchers. 

The parade ended from where I was standing at 10:35 a.m. 

I missed half the parade.

I walked over to Stan Wadlow Park to check out the Canada Day festivities.

It was only 11:00 a.m. and someone confirmed that the festivities would not start until 12 noon.

With a cloth bag in one hand (from the Wright Sisters Group booth) and Canadian flag in the other, I turned to head home.

It just so happened that I crossed paths at the point where the parade would disband.

I caught the beginning of the parade that I missed earlier.

I marked Canada Day 150 in my own small way.

I think to myself how lucky that I am a Canadian and live in a peaceful country.

This morning I opened up an e-mail from Brian Rashid.

In this newsletter, Mr. Rashid includes a video called “Magic Moments Monday #5.”

In this video, he talks about not over-thinking things and just doing it.

This is great advice!

Sometimes you just need to overcome any initial hesitation you might have and just do it.

Having a “damn the consequences” attitude can be helpful.   

A little spontaneity is good.

Also Published on LinkedIn on: July 3, 2017
Image Credit: Pixabay


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