Job Search Chronicles (Part 4)

Last Friday I had a coffee with my high school friend who has since retired.

We inevitably came around to the topic of my job search. 

My friend had one employer for his entire career.

He reminded me that when he was looking for a job, he knocked on the doors of a few companies and asked to fill out an employment application form.   

He found his one and only employer by going directly to the company and submitting an application form.

I wonder if there are many companies left where you can go and ask to fill out an application form?      
When I was working at Combined Insurance in Human Resources (2005 – 2013), application forms were available with the receptionist.   Candidates could come in, fill one out and talk to the receptionist. 

Does the Ontario Human Rights Code still reference application forms? 

Yes, they are referenced in Section 23(2) of the Code.

When I was recently at the Ontario Society of Senior Citizens Organizations (OSSCO), we had a few drop-in’s to the company.

A few sales representatives would drop in and hope to engage us with what they were selling.  They left a brochure and their calling card.  

A couple of years ago, I filled out an application form when I attended an interview at an employment agency, but mostly I’m not asked to fill out an application form. 
Application forms may not be used as widely as they once were, but the idea of going to a company and asking to fill out an application form was a way for a candidate to stand out.

Maybe like what sales representatives do now, we job seekers could go to a company and drop off our calling card (a.k.a. resume)?  

Or maybe we could ask for an informational interview. 

An old joke begins with:  “Knock, knock.”

“Who’s there?”

Just maybe if we job seekers can think out-of-the-box and knock on a door (literally and figuratively) we may potentially be identifying our next opportunity!   

Also Published on LinkedIn on:  July 16, 2017
Image Credit:  Replica Map from "Romancing the Stone" (


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