Job Search Chronicles (Part 1)

Yesterday I came across an excellent job search article by John Feldmann called “How to Avoid the Job Search Rut.”

I fall into an emotional (but temporary) rut now and then, but I know that tomorrow will be another day and I will feel better the following day.

Anytime we experience a challenge in life (like a job search), we need to be mindful about self-care and caring about our health.  You know the drill – get enough sleep, eat right, get adequate exercise, etc.  As well as doing these basic things, it’s engaging in activities that help us feel centred like spending time with friends and family, meditating, yoga, engaging in hobbies  – whatever feels right for you.   

I remind myself that “Rome wasn’t built in a day.”  Sometimes I expect immediate results when immediate results are not to be had.

I am reminded by what a former colleague told me about “planting a seed.”  This has so many applications in our daily lives.  In a job search, we plant a seed anytime we interact with someone whether it’s by messaging, Skyping, calling or meeting face-to-face. We may not notice any immediate effects, but there just might be positive consequences in the future.  You just never know.

I believe in karma and “what goes around, comes around.”  I’d rather spread positivity rather than negativity.  And perhaps you have heard that for our mental health, it’s better to surround yourself with positive people than with negative people.  

Mr. Feldmann talks about networking everywhere.

I think this is great advice!

Did you know that you can network on LinkedIn?

Perhaps you have read someone’s article on LinkedIn and you find that something they said resonates with you.  You can send that person a customized LinkedIn invitation and let them know what resonated with you.  You can engage with that person by liking, commenting or sharing their articles.  You might not notice any immediate effects, but you just never know.

I like to network and cultivate relationships.  I try to help other people by sending a job lead or information their way or introducing people I know to each other on LinkedIn. 

Mr. Feldmann suggests diversifying your job search efforts. 

One of the ways that I am diversifying my job search efforts is by writing a blog.  One of the main reasons that I write a blog is that I enjoy writing.  A side benefit is receiving positive attention when someone likes, comments or shares one of my posts!  I am an introvert, but I’m a (secret) extrovert at times.

Sometimes we job seekers need to step away from our computers and take a break.  I think about volunteering and doing informational interviews.  I network regularly and schedule coffee meet-ups with friends.        

Sometimes we feel like we’re in a rut albeit a temporary rut.   

Maybe watching a comedy movie will help.

May I suggest “Romancing the Stone” (1984) with Michael Douglas and Kathleen Turner?

This movie just might lift your spirits!    

Also Published on LinkedIn on: July 6, 2017
Image Credit:  Replica Map from "Romancing the Stone" (


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