Job Search Chronicles - Part 3

Last Monday I attempted to re-connect (via e-mail) with 75 members of my LinkedIn network.  First to let them know that I was looking for a job and second to let them know what kind of job I was looking for.  I attached my Talents profile (from as an added incentive to look at my e-mail.    

One of my friends e-mailed back to sympathize that I have to go through a job search again and that it must be frustrating to have to repeat the process.  

I was challenged (in a good way) by this response.

Yes, I definitely have my up’s and down’s during this job search, but I don’t want to be known as a frustrated job searcher.

Instead I would like to be known as an optimistic job searcher.

As as result of my campaign to re-connect with members of my LinkedIn network, I received over 25 responses.

Friends gave me a “thumbs-up” or “thanks for sharing” or “I’ll keep my eyes open for you.”  I appreciate everyone’s responses one and all!   

Four in particular I’ll share with you.

One of my friends asked me to send her my resume.  She said that she will take my CV and Talents profile and pass them to her HR department.  I appreciate this WOW of a gesture.  I didn’t ask her to do this, but she offered anyway.

Another friend said for me to give him a shout if he can help.  This friend is a no-nonsense type of guy.  He writes in a spare kind of way and says what he means.  I appreciate the gesture.

A recruiter friend of mine called me.  We have great rapport.  We have a common interest in the Toronto Blue Jays.  I appreciate the phone call.

Another recruiter friend of mine asked me to send him my resume.  I appreciate the gesture.   

I’ve been thinking about “networking” because of my recent experiences with networking. 

Here are my tips about networking:    

Tip #1 – Reach out to your network.  A job search feels like a grind.  Sometimes we need to notice the small (but good) things that come our way and to appreciate those things.  I feel happier just thinking of the nice things that people sent my way in the past few days.

Tip #2.  Form a sounding board.  We all need a sounding board.  A friend of mine is also in job search mode.  I love helping my friend.  I was an HR recruiter for 20+ years and I can share my recruitment experiences with him.  We can “talk turkey” about our job searches.   I like learning new things from him.     

Tip #3.  Expand your network.  I listened to Eric Barker’s webinar today called “How to network effectively and create genuine connections.”  Mr. Barker said that you and your friends will probably know the same things, but to learn new things (like new information or a job lead),  you need to expand your network.

Have you thought about re-connecting with someone or expanding your network?

Also Published on LinkedIn on: July 12, 2017
Image Credit:  Replica Map from "Romancing the Stone" (


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