Job Search Chronicles - Part 5

Yesterday I read an inspiring article by Kendra Wright called “4 Things I Learned by Stepping Out of My Comfort Zone 850 Times in aRow.”  Ms. Wright’s article inspired me to write this post.

“Stepping out of your comfort zone” is different for everyone. For example, you may consider speaking up at a meeting at work as stepping out of your comfort zone and overcoming a fear.

For me I recently stepped out of my comfort zone by overcoming personal inertia.   

I was debating whether to volunteer in a Conversation Circle program where I would help newcomers to practise their English.  The benefits?  It would get me out of the house and meet new people.  I get to do something that I enjoy which is helping people.   The place where I would volunteer is within walking distance -- just 10-15 minutes to get there.  No real downside except I just needed to overcome my internal inertia.  Two weeks ago, I made a move and sent my resume to the volunteer coordinator.  A return message said that the volunteer coordinator was on a leave of absence.  I let two weeks go by thinking that the volunteer coordinator might be returning to work any day now and respond to my e-mail.  Finally on Tuesday of this week I got over my inertia and called the non-profit agency to ask about the volunteer opportunity.  I met the manager on Wednesday and was informed that I could start volunteering next Tuesday!

I keep a journal and notice something positive to write about each day.  On the Wednesday, I noted that I met with the manager and I start volunteering next week.  When I think about the inertia that I overcame first by sending in a resume and second by calling, I get a positive feeling.

When you are in a job search, there are moments when it feels disheartening and you worry about things that are out of your control.  

To counteract this feeling, you can do things that you feel are personally out of your comfort zone but within your control.  

Is there something that you have been meaning to do that takes you out of your comfort zone?  Can you throw caution to the wind and just do it?  When you do something that is out of your comfort zone, you feel a sense of accomplishment and positivity for having conquered that fear or inertia.  Bonus points if you keep a journal and write about what you did and the inertia or fear you overcame to get you out of your comfort zone.

Job search is more than just searching for a job because it also involves thinking positively about yourself and thinking about your own self-care.

Also Published on LinkedIn on: July 20, 2017
Image Credit:  Replica Map from "Romancing the Stone" (


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