Confessions of a Facilitator

Last week I got to facilitate a 2-day job search workshop for older workers. This is the third time that I’ve had the opportunity to lead such a workshop. In the 1st workshop I asked the group about the word “older” and there was a general consensus that they preferred to be referred to as “mature” workers. The issue about the words we use came up again in the 3rd workshop when I used the word “older.” One of the participants took issue when I used the word “older” and so I said what if I used the phrase “mature worker”, and that phrase was preferred over “older worker” No matter which phrase is used “older worker” or “mature worker”, we older folks aren’t nearly as different from younger generations than we are made out to be. Take me for example. I would describe myself as positive, collaborative, curious and having a servant’s mentality. (With a servant’s mentality, we don’t think we are above anyone else and we will do “menial” tasks like mopping t...