Hello, My Name is

I’m an introvert with a measure of extroversion tossed in.

My extroverted self likes to network, meet new people, share a conversation and introduce people to each other.   You can find me at a networking event where there is a speaker or two.    
My introverted self likes to meet with people one-on-one, hold a quiet conversation and get to know people a little better. I like going to coffee meetings and talking.    
At networking events, I’m conscious about not wanting to talk about myself too much and monopolizing the conversation.

I like writing LinkedIn posts. I find it freeing. I get to share a little bit about myself. Maybe one of my thoughts or experiences resonates with you and we connect on that level. I find that exciting!  

I hope to convey a couple of things about myself via my posts.

Here are 6 things about me that may or may not surprise you.

Positive -- I like being positive and encouraging. My post “Positive Vibes” is pretty positive.  I would say “Always On My Mind” is encouraging.

Sense of Wonder – Sometimes I write about something that gives me a sense of wonder like “Time Travel” where my classmate shared some positive memories that I didn’t have a memory of or “My Cosmic Journey (Part 1)” where I unexpectedly met someone who has become a great friend and mentor!    

Sense of Humour – I like being silly sometimes. I don’t take myself too seriously. With “Mood Music “, “Levity in the Workplace!”, “Joy” and “Humour Is A Funny Business”, I wanted to spread some joy!

Servant’s Mentality – I like helping people. I get that from my parents. I write about the servant’s mentality in “What I’ve Learned About Building Relationships (Part 1).” 

Collaborative – I write about being collaborative in “Why I Love to Collaborate.”

Creative – “Poker Face” is one of my most creative posts.

LinkedIn is a pretty amazing platform to connect with people from around the world.

I mentioned at the beginning of this post that I like to introduce people to each other.

I introduce you, dear reader, to Paolo Gallo and Jason Versey. You can follow both these gentlemen on LinkedIn.  

Paolo Gallo is the Chief Human Resources Officer at the World Economic Forum in Switzerland. He is a best-selling author. Paolo writes about the future of work that I constantly learn from and it’s a subject that I am very fascinated with.  

Jason Versey is a storyteller in the U.S. He writes highly evocative stories about his childhood and weaves past and present into his stories. Jason’s stories are very compelling!  

Originally Published on LinkedIn:  November 20, 2016
Image Credit: Pixabay


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