Humour is a Funny Business

I’m happy to say that my LinkedIn network is quite international, and so I suppose that anywhere you live in this world, if you tune in to the news, there will be things that will make you sad or think it’s all bad news today.

All of us can use a laugh now and then.

In the spirit of sharing I would like to share what I find humourous or at least makes me smile.

The Three Stooges always make me laugh.  If you like The Three Stooges, maybe you’re like me in that we can be silly at times.  And sometimes it’s good not to take ourselves too seriously!  Nyuk, nyuk, nyuk!  (Video Credit: Don Williams)   

In the Toronto news, two capybaras escaped from the High Park Zoo.  The news media has been very good in reporting sightings of the capybaras (I’m not kidding!).  To me, this story makes me smile.  The capybaras look very cute.  They’re from the rodent family.  Obviously we hope that the capybaras find their way home safely, but in the meantime, I can’t help but think that maybe they are having the time of their lives and are enjoying the “cat-and-mouse” chase (pun intended!).  You can read the original story here.

I would like to introduce you to Susan Stewart.  Susan presented a talk at an HRPA (Human Resources Professional Association) event in October 2014.  I thought it was an inspiring and funny talk!  What I remember from her talk is that she said that it may be hard to believe, but we always manage to survive a transition.  It’s something to think about for those of us in transition.

I read Susan’s “10 Things To Stop Caring About When Being Happy Is Better Than Being Cool, Popular, and Important”  This post makes me laugh!  Here’s an excerpt:

“At some point, you reach an age where you can’t possibly, even if you tried, care less about some matters. You’re done with worrying about what others think, adhering to rules prescribed by people you haven’t even bloody met, and you realize who you want in your inner circle and who you want banished from the kingdom forever...” - Susan Stewart 
Susan, I love the sentiment that you express in this section of your post!  I too have reached a “certain” age and have adopted a devil-may-care attitude.  I think about my blog posts, and my approach is to write these in an open and honest manner thereby making myself vulnerable.    
I know that we all have different tastes in what we consider to be humourous, but we all need a respite from the daily grind of life now and then.

So, take a moment, find something funny and share a laugh with your family and friends!   

Originally Published on LinkedIn:  June 11, 2016
Image Credit:  Joy or Wonder


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