Life is a HIghway

Is there anything that gives you a sense of trepidation?

Like maybe public speaking?

For me, I happen to like public speaking and speaking up at meetings.

The thing I’m not fond of is highway driving.

Until recently I couldn’t tell you why I didn’t like highway driving.

When I was a job seeker, I’d only apply to jobs where the commute did not require highway driving.

Ironically my new job required me to do some highway driving!  

For two weeks leading up to the day, I made an effort to not think about it, although I looked on the map to make sure I knew where I was going.

The day arrived to go on the highway. 

I left the house at 7:00 a.m. so that I would be driving in daylight. I arrived in plenty of time, and arrived at my destination in an hour and 10 minutes.   

I made an effort to keep up with the traffic flow and I thought I did a good job. Sometimes I felt myself tense up while driving and I made an effort to relax.

Nothing happened while I was driving on the highway.

But I realized a couple of things.

The reason I don’t like highway driving is that you have to drive fast just so that you can keep up with the traffic flow.  Speed is just not my style. I’ll go on the highway only if I really have to.

At my destination I had a conversation with someone. I discovered something about myself. I’m really good at identifying what another person’s passions are in terms of their life work. It’s a matter of listening, picking up on body language and asking questions. I’d make a good coach some day!  

What’s the moral?

It’s good to stretch your comfort zone, and if it makes sense, to just go ahead and do it. Stretching beyond your comfort zone may open up possibilities for you.

I gave highway driving another try (after a long dormant period), and I can say that it’s something that I still don’t like to do, but I’ll relent if it’s necessary.   

I think this is a perfect time to collaborate.

You don’t like public speaking?

How about if I do the public speaking and I’ll hitch a ride with you!    

Originally Published on LinkedIn:  November 25, 2016
Image Credit:  Pixabay



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