What I Learned About Building Relationships (Part 4)

I am a Job Seeker in Transition. 

Make that I’m an introverted Job Seeker in Transition.

I find going to certain networking events to be daunting when there is a large crowd gathered and I don’t know anyone at the event.  Once I get to the event, however, I manage to talk to a few people!

I find it helpful if I bring a friend to a networking event.  For example, I attended a Human Resources tradeshow in January 2016 and I invited a friend.  As we walked up and down the aisles, I spotted a few vendor booths where I thought to myself that I know someone who works at that company.  With my friend in tow and with a confident attitude, I strode up to the booth, introduced me and my friend, and I asked the company representative if we had a mutual friend in common.  I’m not sure what it is, but I am definitely more emboldened to approach people when I attend a networking event with a friend! 

On another occasion, at a Human Resources holiday social party in December 2014, I spotted quite a few people I knew.  I like introducing people I know to each other, and so I spent a good part of the evening introducing people to each other!  I was really happy to help people to expand their personal networks.  I don’t like talking about myself all night long and so some of the attention was deflected off me when I introduced people to each other. 

Networking is important in your job search.  If you tend to be on the introverted side like me, what I do to adapt is to invite a friend along to a networking event where I can introduce the both of us to people.  At the 2014 holiday social party, I adapted by introducing people to each other.   As you will notice, I am able to overcome my introversion when I can help by introducing people to each other!

I am excited to share an article that I read today.  I would like to introduce you to Paolo Gallo, who is the Chief Human Resources Officer at the World Economic Forum.  He’s written an article about building relationships called “What really matters?  Positive relationships.” You can find Mr. Gallo's LinkedIn post here.

Originally Published on LinkedIn:  March 17, 2016
Image Credit:  March 17, 2016


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