It is The Best of Times

I am a Job Seeker in Transition. 

The Job Search Process reflects both the best of times and the worst of times for a Job Seeker.   

Take for example a networking meeting (quasi job interview) that I attended the other day.

I thought I sucked at this meeting, because I talked too much (the worst of times). 

Upon reflection, that was probably the best networking meeting that I attended (the best of times), because I learned something about myself.

I was asked a question “What are you passionate about?”

This is a deep question to be asked at 9:00 in the morning.  It’s asking what are you really interested in and excel at. 

After letting this question percolate overnight after the meeting,  I realized that I am really interested in and do a decent job with relationship building. 

At a previous employer, I chaired four permanent committees.  I didn’t realize it at the time, but that is one of the best experiences I had.  At our meetings I always made sure that everyone had a voice and everyone felt included.

On a personal level I am interested in engaging in conversations and connecting with people, preferably in person.  (Did you know that one of the things that can make you happy is talking with friends?)

I infuse all my relationships with kindness.  I am strongly empathetic.

I love the late Maya Angelou’s quote that pretty well describes me:

“People will forget what you said
 People will forget what you did
 But people will never forget how you made them feel” – Maya Angelou

There’s always two sides to every coin.  If you think you failed miserably at something, there’s always something to learn from that experience.

Be who you are unabashedly.  I may have talked too much at the networking meeting, but that’s who I am and I can accept that.

The Job Search reminds me of Charles Dickens' opening in “A Tale of Two Cities”:

“It is the best of times
It is the worst of times” – Charles Dickens (paraphrase)

Originally Published on LinkedIn:  January 6, 2016
Image Credit:  Pixabay (Yin and Yang)


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