Human Nature

Yesterday (June 19th) was very hot and humid in Toronto, and Environment Canada issued a heat alert.

Today promises to be another hot and humid day with the humidex expected to rise to 40 degrees Celsius.

When it’s hot in Toronto, we wish for winter and cooler weather; and when it’s winter, we wish for summer and warmer weather.  I suppose this wishful thinking of thinking the grass is always greener somewhere else is a part of human nature.

When we’re working, we think wouldn’t it be nice if we had more leisure time, and when you’re in transition (like me), you think wouldn’t it be nice if we were working?

When I was working at Combined Insurance, that’s all I thought about was work.  Never thought about stopping and reflecting on things. 

In transition I’ve seen the other side (the leisure side), and I know that when I find a job, that I’d want more of a balance between working hard and pursuing leisure activities (maybe going to see a Toronto Blue Jays game or doing volunteer work, etc.). 

Looking back I would say that it’s important to stop and reflect once in awhile.  Decide what your priorities are and what kind of work-life balance interests you.  Are you truly doing what you want to do, or are you just caught up in the whirlwind of life? 

When I was at Combined Insurance, I was happy with working all the time and taking work home with me on the weekends.  I don’t regret anything about that former life.  I think, though, it might have been helpful to take a barometer reading once in awhile and consciously make a decision about what my  priorities were instead of having that decision made for me by default.     

Sometime ago my friend suggested that I stop and smell the roses.

I didn’t pay too much attention at the time.

Today that homespun advice sounds pretty good to me.

P.S. – A couple of days ago, I came across a fantastic article on LinkedIn by Danny Donachie called “Elemental Magic.”  To me this article seems very metaphysical and it speaks to me in terms of what I’m thinking re: the Law of Attraction, coincidences and doppelgangers.  LinkedIn articles are like art, because you see things that only you may see and appreciate.  I suppose that beauty is in the eye of the beholder.  

Originally Published on LinkedIn:  June 20, 2016
Image Credit:  Pixabay   


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