Pause, Reflect...And Give Thanks

In 2014 one of my new LinkedIn connections at the time suggested that I write a blog.

I thought I didn’t have anything to write about, and so I filed that notion on the back burner.

A year later, in December 2015,  I thought that I needed to re-invigorate my job search and so I re-visited the suggestion that was made to me, and I wrote my first LinkedIn post called “Call Me Maybe.”

To date, that has been the most popular post with 88 likes, 28 comments and 16 shares!

Which brings me to the main purpose of this post…

I would like to give a big THANK YOU to everyone who has liked, commented or shared one of my posts.   I feel your support, and it is very much appreciated.  I am humbled by the fact that there was something in one of my posts that spoke to you enough for you to like, comment or share…that is AMAZING! 

As a job seeker, you want to establish a “brand.”  I think of myself as an HR professional/HR disruptor (one in the same) who is positive, open and creative.  When you like, comment or share, you’re helping me to spread my brand…and again, thank you very much!

A big THANK YOU as well goes to J.T. O’Donnell who is a LinkedIn Influencer and CEO of CAREEREALISM and CareerHMO.  I sent her my first LinkedIn post, and she helped by sharing this post with her 1.1 million followers! 

When I wrote my first LinkedIn post, I didn’t think of myself as a blogger.  But then I started to write more and more, and people continued to like, comment or share, and so maybe there is something to be said about blogging!  

Now is not the time to be pulling back from blogging, but instead it is the time to pause, reflect and give thanks.

Originally Published on LinkedIn:  January 23, 2016
Image Credit:  Pixabay


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