Call Me Maybe

I confess:  I am a Job Seeker.

A certain perception comes to mind when you tell someone that you’re a “Job Seeker in Transition.”

I’m not exactly sure what that perception is (because no one has really told me), but I’m here to tell you about the positive qualities of a Job Seeker.

We are resourceful.  We feel like a number in an Applicant Tracking System, one of many candidates.  And so, we do things to get an employer’s attention like calling, sending an e-mail or even writing a post on LinkedIn!

We are empathetic.  We know what it’s like to be a job seeker, so if you hire us as a Recruiter, we will be kind to candidates and treat them the way that we would like to be treated.  After all the candidate with whom we are tweeting or talking to can be a potential star employee or happy customer with the company.

We are resilient.  At some point in the process, our job search feels unproductive.  I think back to one of my mentors who said that there will always be challenging times in our lives and that we always manage somehow to get through them.  I suppose that all we need is positive thinking, some patience and to re-charge our batteries once in awhile and do the things that will keep us happy and healthy (like talk with friends, read, go for a walk, meditate or have some dark chocolate)!   

To my fellow Job Seekers, I would like to remind you to keep the faith and that YOU ARE AWESOME!  I celebrate you for being you.  There is no one else in this world who has your particular skills, interests and experiences.  I love this Dr. Seuss quote:  “Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don’t matter and those who matter don’t mind.”  BE YOURSELF (and be true to who you are) throughout the job search process.

So, how about it, employers?  Check out my LinkedIn profile and Call Me Maybe (with a nod to Carly Rae Jepsen)! 

And, please don’t forget to be kind to my fellow Job Seeker friends!

Originally Published on LinkedIn:  December 12, 2015
Image Credit: iStock


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