Positive Vibes

People recognize a vibe about you faster than you realize it about yourself.

A couple of years ago a LinkedIn connection commented that I had a “nice smile.”

If you ask me then, I would say that that was a nice compliment.

Ask me now what that compliment means to me, and I would say that it’s a pretty good indication of who I am.

I’ve always been a positive person.  

People in the past called me “smiley” or commented that I’m “optimistic.” 

Does that mean I’m happy?

No, I’m not happy all the time.

But I’m always positive.

We can do things to put ourselves in a more positive state of mind.

Lately to put myself in a more positive state of mind, I journal, go for a walk and meet friends.

I am a job seeker in transition.

Yesterday I had the opportunity to make someone’s day.

I went to see my barber for a haircut.

During the course of our conversation, my barber noted that he was experiencing discomfort because he has arthritis. His doctor prescribed pills to manage the pain, but offered no other advice. I suggested to my barber that he check into the Arthritis Society web site (arthritis.ca), because there would be resources for him to check out. 

I went home and I thought to myself that although my barber said he would check out the web site, he probably wouldn’t.

I signed on to my computer and proceeded to go to the Arthritis Society web site and printed pages for my barber to read. I made sure that I printed the contact information for the Arthritis Society.

I went back to my barber and handed him the pages that I printed.  

My barber thanked me and said that he will call the Arthritis Society. I believe he will call.  

We can lift our own moods when we help someone out. 

I felt happy that I connected my barber to the Arthritis Society. 

Sometimes we help ourselves when we help someone else.

Have you heard Elton John’s song “Sad Songs” that was released in 1984?

It’s an upbeat song that will give you a positive vibe!   

Originally Published on LinkedIn:  November 3, 2016
Image Credit:  Pixabay


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